about me
22 year-old software engineering student based in Western Australia.
Farm Game
A casual, multiplayer farming game developed by a group of friends.
Portfolio Website
The website you're currently on!
A mobile app designed to teach people about common cyber security scams.
Whether it's for programming, or other creative projects, I'll use a mixture of these applications that I feel like I'm the most proficient with.
Visual Studio Code is my go to IDE for programming pretty much anything. I've dabbled with other IDEs (mostly the Jetbrains') for some projects, but mostly end up just using VSC.
For game development, my current choice for engine is Godot Studio. After attempting other game development engines, I found Godot to be the most intuitive, with the added bonus of it being self-contained. This comes with the unfortunate downside of having to learn GDScript for game development, but because of its comparability with Python, it is quite easy.
The only application I'd say I'm still a novice on is blender, primarily just used for quick assets for game development. I have future aspirations to learn blender in depth; to work on better models for solo game development projects.
The adobe suite is something I use for any project. Using a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator to make any assets I need for any programming assignment. I'm highly experienced in editing programs such as After Effects and Premiere which gives me the freedom to work on motion graphics and videos for projects wherever needed.